
Sologenic SDK for Minting & Trading

Streamline Your Ideas Into Web 3.0

Unlock the Power of NFTs on the XRPL

Sologenic has released a Software Development Kit (SDK) allowing projects to directly integrate minting and trading functionality on third-party sites and applications using Sologenic’s methodology. The kit contains two elements:

NFT Manager

Generate minting slots by burning SOLO in bulk, implement user flows and automate the minting of NFTs on the XRP Ledger.

NFT Trader

Enable NFT trading by administering buy and sell offers, as well as retrieving trading data from the Sologenic Marketplace.

*Trading stats include the floor price, the NFT count, as well as volume data.

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Building a Decentralized Future to Empower Creators

The release of the SDK signals a new phase for the Sologenic ecosystem to expand its use cases by leveraging the low-cost, fast, and secure minting of NFTs on the XRP Ledger.

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Property Mints

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Gaming dApps

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